Free, Open Source Cobol

GnuCOBOL Debugging Extensions

GnuCOBOL Source Level Debugging

COBOLworx developed GnuCOBOL Debugging Extensions for GnuCOBOL. The Extensions let COBOL programmers debug their programmers with the same powerful capabilities that C programmers enjoy. You can debug programs from the command line using gdb from the command line or in a graphical Integrated Development Environment (VS Code, VS Codium, or, soon, Eclipse’s Theia).

The Extensions can:

The Extensions are a free and Open Source package. They are hosted at our GitLab Server. You can download binary packages of or containing the GnuCOBOL Debugging Extensions from the Downloads page.


Developers and Maintainers of GCC COBOL. Commercial Technical Support for GCC COBOL and GnuCOBOL.